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Reese Education Center

Reese Education Center Students Learn About Cosmetology Opportunities

In a program launched last year, Elyse Evans, the Communities In Schools Coordinator at Reese Education Center, invites guest speakers to present various career paths to the students. So many of the students at Reese have never explored careers, colleges, and trade schools on their own and Evans wanted to get them thinking about post-graduation life. 

“It can be intimidating,” said Evans. “This in-person presentation can give them the confidence and determination to research, ask questions, and make a plan for their future.”  

When Evans first started bringing in speakers, wasn’t sure how engaged the students would be and was prepared for it to be a "tried and failed" program. However, it turned out to be a huge success. 

“The students started asking me what career presentation was next or if I would bring in someone to speak about a specific career they wanted to explore,” said Evans. 

Last year the cosmetology presentation brought in a lot of students and this year several students expressed interest in the program to Evans. Kourtney Brosius, a CTE Success Coordinator for South Plains College, was invited to introduce the Reese students to the cosmetology program at SPC.  

The presentation Brosius gave featured an overview of the SPC cosmetology courses, training facilities, admission requirements, and career opportunities as a certified cosmetologist. According to Evans, the students' favorite part is asking questions one-on-one after the presentation. They are usually quiet during the presentation but always stick around after to talk with the presenters. 

The career, college, and trade school presentations are having a positive impact on Reese students, and Evans has witnessed the benefits firsthand. Several students who attended presentations last year are now enrolled at South Plains College, working toward their dream careers. Following the presentations, Evans noticed a significant increase in the number of students seeking her help with college and scholarship applications. 
