What is the DAEP Program?
Reese Education Center’s DAEP Program is a disciplinary alternative education placement (DAEP) established in conformance with the Texas Education Code (TEC), 37.008, and this section is defined as an educational and self-discipline alternative instructional program, adopted by local policy, for students in elementary through high school grades who are removed from their regular classes for mandatory or discretionary disciplinary reasons and placed in DAEP. The disciplinary programs offer students a highly structured environment which teaches self-discipline, leadership, academics and physical fitness. Behavior Coaches and certified teachers collaborate together to provide an environment that emphasizes education, motivation, integrity, respect, commitment, courage and honor. Students are held to high attendance and academic expectations while receiving their self-discipline training. This program is "More Than An Alternative".
Disciplinary Alternative Education Placements (“DAEPs”) in Texas began in the 1996-97 school year as a result of Senate Bill 1 (1995) which established a system of alternative education that allowed for the removal and education of students who engaged in misbehaviors.